Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Join me to reflect on this topic, narrowing it down to the youth and student focus. We will reflect on our missionary heritage and the calling upon us to persist in the mission of God as a youth of this generation. Our theme challenges us to embrace the legacy of those who have gone before us and continue the work of spreading the gospel with boldness, dedication, and perseverance amidst all odds.
The call to embrace our missionary legacy as youth is both an inheritance and a responsibility. The Church has been built upon the unwavering dedication of those who came before us—men and women who sacrificed to spread everything, including their lives to bring the gospel to us - the Basel Missionaries, the Caribbean Christians, the Scottish Mission, and the Ghanaians who received and walked with Christ. As young Christians today, we are not just inheritors of this legacy but active participants in its continuation.
Missionary Legacy
The mission of spreading the gospel did not begin with us; it is a legacy handed down through generations. From the early church to modern-day missionaries, countless men and women have sacrificed their time, comfort, and even lives to share the love of Christ.
The historical legacy of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana indicates to us that the missionaries that accepted to come to the then Gold Coast for the mission were mostly under 30 years.
Reading from 1 Corinthians 15:58, we are encouraged to stand firm and give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord, knowing that our labour is not in vain.
The apostles, early church fathers, and even missionaries in our local history have played a crucial role in ensuring that the gospel reaches every corner of the world. Today, we are stepping into their shoes to serve our generation also. Let us draw strength from Paul's statement that our labour is never in vain.
As youth, this is our generation of mission in our families, schools, workplaces, and communities. If the Basel missionaries knew the mission task, they devotedly pursued it. The foreigner had captioned the then Gold Coast as the "whiteman's grave" but they still came and died but their labour has never been in vain.
Persisting in Mission Despite Challenges
The Apostle Paul’s exhortation to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:1-5 provides a powerful charge to all, especially the youth: we must preach the Word, be prepared in all seasons, stand firm in the truth, and endure hardships for the sake of the gospel. He encourages with patience and careful instruction.
This reminds us that missionary work is not always easy, but persistence is key. In a world where sound doctrine is often rejected, we are called to uphold and advance the missionary mandate left to us.
Challenges such as opposition, fear, distractions, and societal pressures may arise, but we must remain faithful. Remember the martyr of the early Christians. Samuel Ottu and Theophilus Opoku in the Presbyterian history and many others. The missionary legacy must indeed be embraced to the fullest.
Precious one, just as Timothy was encouraged to endure hardships and fulfill his ministry, we, too, must persist in sharing Christ’s love and truth in our generation. In the face of a money-world, should mission suffer? May God help you to set your priorities right in order to embrace the missionary legacy as a Child of God.
Meanwhile, we must be vigilant, holding onto sound doctrine, and not be swayed by popular culture that contradicts God’s Word. You may have experienced persons whose ministries were Bible centered and Christ minded, but along the way, certain things find their way in to serve Satan's agenda. May God help you to follow only His way and no other, even when your ministry seems to become unpopular to people. Always keep this in mind: It is God's mission but not your own.
Understanding Our Missionary Legacy
A missionary legacy is the spiritual inheritance of spreading the Gospel to all nations and disciple them to be rooted in Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20). Jesus sends us by saying, "Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves." (Luke 10:3). Before Christ granted authority to His followers, He first discipled them to be humble. Divine authority lies in the humble Christian.
Missionary legacy is built upon:
1. The Biblical Mandate: From the early church in Acts to the modern missionary movements, God's people have been commanded to evangelize. It is God's directive to embark on a mission.
2. Historical Foundations: Our predecessors—missionaries, Reverend Ministers, evangelists, catechists, and the reformers—have paved the way for us to continue their work.
3. Cultural Transformation: Through missionary efforts in Ghana, the Church in general through education, healthcare, agriculture, and societal reforms have been impacted positively. Mission work has weighed cultures to preserve that which are of benefit.
4. Sacrificial Commitment: Many have laid down their lives, suffered persecution, and endured hardships to ensure the gospel reaches every corner of the world. This is factual with mission, the missionaries scars tells of his/her stories. Paul would say,
"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body."(2 Corinthians 4:8-10).
The Mission of God
Jesus sends out the seventy-two in Luke 10, giving them authority and instructing them to bring peace, heal the sick, and proclaim the kingdom of God.
No one is too young to serve God and possess His delegated authority. God has always used young people—Joseph, David, Daniel, Mary, Timothy—to accomplish His purposes.
Jesus reminds us in Luke 10:19 that He has given us authority to overcome the enemy. I want to drum home with you that we are not alone in this mission. The storm will rage against us, but with Jesus in the boat, I will smile at the storm.
Our schools, social media platforms, clubs, and communities are our mission fields. We are called to be lights in the darkness. Our persistence in evangelism, discipleship, acts of service, and social impact must never waver because the authority to face adversaries has already been laid upon us.
By the powers vested in you as a child of God through Jesus Christ, be bold and courageous and march forward, for your labour shall never be in vain.
Steps to Embrace Our Missionary Legacy
Let me share with you some practical steps to aid us to truly celebrate our heritage and persist in our mission as we embrace our missionary legacy.
- Develop a strong personal relationship with Christ. Be rooted in prayer, Bible study, and Christian fellowship.
- Be bold in sharing the gospel. Look for opportunities to witness to friends, classmates, and colleagues.
- Get involved in mission-focused activities. Participate in evangelism, community service, and mission trips - PYICE, P-SICE, Sowers outreach, Asempatrew, etc.
- Support and learn from past and present missionaries. Read missionary biographies and pray for those in the field.
- Use modern tools for the mission. Social media, podcasts, videos, and blogs can be powerful platforms for sharing God’s message.
As we celebrate our missionary heritage, let us commit to persisting in the mission. God has entrusted us with a great responsibility to continue the work of those before us. Let us stand firm, be courageous, and remain steadfast in our faith. The world is waiting, and the harvest is plentiful—will you rise to the challenge?
Shalom aleikhem...