Jeremiah 31:7-9; Hebrews 7:23-28; Mark 10:46-52
In a world where change is constant and uncertainty often surrounds us, when you refuse to change, changing seasons will leave you behind. From our circumstances to global events, we are clearly surrounded by a shifting world. What seemed to be well known passes quickly and soon its gone because of change. But amid the swirling storms, the Word of God reminds us of something profound: we serve an unchanging God. He is our anchor, our hope, the source of our stability in every season.
For our reflections today, we’ll touch on the passages that reveal God's unchanging nature, His eternal promises, and His faithful love, all of which provide hope and a steady anchor for our souls in the Christian faith.
1. God’s Unchanging Love and Faithfulness
In Jeremiah 31, the Lord speaks to Israel in a time of difficulty and exile, promising to bring them back, to gather them, and to "lead them home with great care." God assured them of bringing back "A great company... from the distant corners of the earth" including "the blind and lame, the expectant mothers and women in labour." He promises that they will come with "tears of joy” and that He will lead them “beside quiet streams and on smooth paths where they will not stumble."
The first point is God’s faithfulness is seen in gathering all of us from different walks of life into His saving arms. God’s faithfulness to His children never falters. He promises to gather the lost, the brokenhearted, and the outcasts. This gathering is not limited to the Israelites in exile but extends to all who are weary and in need of His grace. The open arms of God to receive you is born out of His unchanging nature.
Again, God’s compassion and tenderness with which He leads us gives us hope. Notice the tenderness with which He promises to lead them. He is a God who understands our tears, our needs, and our vulnerabilities. Even when we find ourselves in a foreign place or a painful season, His heart is steadfastly turned toward us, leading us gently to a place of peace. This is what God says, "Tears of joy will stream down their faces, and I will lead them home with great care. They will walk beside quiet streams and on smooth paths where they will not stumble." (Jeremiah 31:9)
God's faithfulness is unchanging, just as it was with Israel, so it is with us today. He is our steadfast good Shepherd who leads us beside quiet streams with tender loving care, His unchanging love is our only hope and anchor when we face uncertainty.
2. Jesus, Our Unchanging High Priest
The writer of Hebrews tells us that Jesus is our eternal High Priest, one who lives forever to intercede for us. Unlike human priests who come and go, Jesus holds His priesthood permanently because He is eternal - unchanging God.
Jesus Christ, our High Priest lives Forever. Jesus’s priesthood is unique because He is both fully human and fully divine. As our High Priest, He understands our weaknesses to stand in the gap, mediating on our behalf. The major role of the High Priest is to bridge the relationship between God and people with sacrifices. The unchanging nature of Jesus’ High Priesthood is a source of hope to us today because it means that our access to God is eternally secured.
Jesus offered a perfect and final sacrifice for humanity. Jesus is described as “holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens” (Hebrews 7:26). Because of His perfect sacrifice, we don’t have to fear judgment or condemnation. His work is finished and complete [tetelestai], providing an unshakeable foundation for our faith. This is the Christian hope and anchor.
In a world where so much is temporary, our relationship with God is secure because of Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. When we feel overwhelmed, we can look to our unchanging High Priest as our anchor, knowing that He lives to intercede for us continually.
3. Our Hope and Anchor in God’s Unchanging Power
Crowning it all, let us look at the story of Bartimaeus, a blind man who calls out to Jesus, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” This cry is more than a plea for healing—it is a recognition of Jesus’ divine authority and the mercy of God.
Are you a Christian? Then anchor your faith in God’s Power. Bartimaeus believed in Jesus’ power to heal, to change, and to restore. Though he was blind, his spiritual eyes saw the unlimited, unchanging power of God in Jesus Christ. And Jesus responded to his faith with compassion and power, restoring his sight. What is your cry to Christ now? Say it out with boldness with unwavering faith in Christ and begin to see His miracle right now. Indeed, He is an unchanging God.
Christ is faithful to listen and respond to our cries always. Jesus did not ignore Bartimaeus. Amidst the crowd, He stopped, listened, and asked, “What do you want Me to do for you?” The unchanging God, Jesus responds to our needs in the same way today. He hears us when we cry out in faith, and His power to save, heal, and transform is as constant today as it was then.
Just as Bartimaeus’ faith in Jesus brought about his healing, our faith in God’s unchanging power can anchor us in hope. Even when we can’t see the outcome, we can trust that our God is ever-faithful and powerful to respond. Take some moments right now to speak to God about your need for His miracle.
Our Hope is Anchored in God’s Unchanging Nature.
Like Israel, we can hold fast to God’s promises, knowing that He will guide us and gather us in love. When we face uncertainty, remember that He is our unchanging Shepherd, leading us with tenderness.
In Christ, our High Priest, we have a foundation that never shakes. His work on the cross and His eternal intercession secure our hope. No matter the changes we face, we can rest in His finished work.
Like Bartimaeus, let us approach God with bold faith, trusting that He still hears, heals, and saves. Even in the darkest times, let us have faith in the power of our unchanging Saviour.
The unchanging God is indeed our hope and anchor. He was faithful in the days of Israel, remains faithful as our eternal High Priest, and responds with the same compassion that healed Bartimaeus.
Though the world around us may shift, we can remain steadfast, anchored in His eternal love. Let us place our trust in the One who does not change, the One who gathers us, the One who intercedes for us, and the One who hears us. May His steadfast love be the anchor for our souls, and may our faith in His unchanging nature fill us with peace and hope that cannot be shaken. Amen.
Shalom aleikem...