Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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Scripture Readings:  

- Daniel 1:8-16

- Revelation 21:6

- Matthew 5:13-16


Education without moral training produces intellectual criminals, an add-up to corruption.

Our focus for discussion today will be on education since we are climaxing the celebration of Education Week. Let's look at how Christian values can be a transformative force in education and in our lives. Our theme, "Jesus Christ the Alpha and the Omega: Education with Christian Values for Transformation," calls us to reflect on how Jesus Christ, the beginning and the end, should be the foundation of our educational pursuits.

Looking at the readings for today, I see a common thread: the power of standing firm in the faith, of shining as lights in the world, and of allowing the eternal truths of God to shape every aspect of our lives, including education. True education goes beyond the accumulation of knowledge; it involves shaping character, wisdom, and the transformation of hearts and minds in Christ.

The Presbyterian Church of Ghana has this "trinitarian" focus, also known as the "3H" for operating all their educational institutions: the Head, the Hand, and the Heart training. The head - is the acquisition of knowledge, the hand - is the development of skills, and the heart - is Christian moral and ethical values upbringing. The church in establishing schools has a mission.

Christ Brackets Our Educational Pursuit (Revelation 21:6)

In Revelation 21:6 when Jesus says, “the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end” He is actually saying I bracket your life, outside of Me there is no existence. It means that all things—our lives, our being, our purpose, and yes, our education—must begin and end with Christ. When we talk about education with Christian values, we must ask: 'What is the source and purpose of our learning?' Are we simply seeking knowledge for the sake of worldly success, or are we grounding our education in Christ, who is the source of all wisdom? Education finds its worth and meaning only in Christ Jesus.

Christian education is not just about academic excellence; it is about aligning our hearts and minds with the eternal truths of God. When Christ is the foundation of our learning, every subject we study, and every skill we acquire, is put in the context of God's greater purpose for our lives. Our education becomes a tool not just for personal advancement, but for the advancement of Christ's Kingdom even here on earth.

Education Shaped by Conviction (Daniel 1:8-16)

In the book of Daniel, we see an example of how Christian values can shape education and life decisions. Daniel and his friends were taken to Babylon, a foreign land with its own customs, religion, and education. They were chosen to be educated and treated in the ways of the Babylonians, but they made a firm decision: “Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine” (Daniel 1:8). Despite the pressure to conform, Daniel chose to uphold his faith and trust in God's ways.

In this story, we see the importance of one's conviction in the face of challenges. Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah, and Daniel's education was not just about learning the language and customs of Babylon. It was about integrating his faith with his learning. They did not separate their faith from their studies; instead, they allowed their relationship with God to guide them, even when it came to matters of diet and discipline. This stand led to God's favour, success in education, and even appearance, for “God gave them knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning” (Daniel 1:17). 

In addition, note that due to the moral and ethical values Daniel had built with God Almighty, God added to him what he did not even study, "And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds." (Daniel 1:17). I can boldly tell you that, what we actually need to be fulfilled in our lives is not taught in the classroom, it is what God adds. In sum, education can give you a job for a living, but what gives you a worthy life is what Christ adds to you. 

In our world today, we find ourselves in environments where secular values dominate, where we are pressured to compromise moral and ethical values, even our Christian faith. But like Daniel and his friends, we are called to stand firm and stand alone, if need be. Our education must be practiced with Christian values—honesty, hard work, self-control, respect, integrity, humility, and a desire to glorify God in all we do.

Salt and Light: Transforming Society through Christian Education (Matthew 5:13-16)

In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus calls God's children the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.” Salt preserves and enhances, while light illuminates and reveals truth. Christian education equips us to be salt and light in a world that desperately needs both. Education is to lead us to discover great handy works of God's creation and provision just as salt brings out the taste of food.

Education is scientifically defined as turning the mind's eye from darkness into light. As the light of the world, we illuminate the dark path of people in the world to see the beauty of God's handy works. 

In the context of education, this means that we are not just acquiring knowledge for ourselves. We are being equipped to transform society. We are called to be agents of transformation, bringing the values of the Kingdom of God—peace, truth, justice, love, and righteousness as well as innovative inventions to make social and individual lives more comfortable for all—into every field of study and every area of life. Whether we are teachers, students, artisans, politicians, professionals, businessmen, pastors, chiefs, or parents, we have a responsibility to shine the light of Christ in our work, our studies, our families, and our communities.

Christian education is not just about head knowledge; or about hand skills; it is about heart transformation. When we are educated with Christian values, we become the kind of people who can influence others, preserve what is good, and shine the light of Christ in dark places.

Jesus says, "A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl" (Matthew 5:14-15). But today, because we have delineated Christian values from education, the honour in the educated is nothing worth showing. The educated leads the chat of social vices, guilty of all forms of criminal charges. Families and societies are no more proud of displaying such people as their own - though a city built on a hill, now hidden; though a lighted lamp but placed under a bowl. Let us bring back Christian values for transformation.

Education for Transformation

Education with Christian values is about more than preparing for a career. It is about preparing for life—eternal life and life here on earth as ambassadors of Christ. Education is a powerful tool for transformation, but the greatest transformation comes when education is rooted in the eternal truths of God’s Word.

My father of blessed memory once said, "A person who is half-educated is more dangerous to himself and society than one who is not educated at all." Let us give and acquire a holistic education by intentionally upholding Christian values as the prerequisite to transforming our society for our own good.

Precious one, as we climax this year's Education Week, let us commit ourselves to ensuring that our education systems, whether in schools, churches, or homes, are firmly grounded in Christian values. Let us teach our children not only to excel academically but to be people of character, conviction, and faith. Let us equip the next generation to be the Daniels, Hananiahs, Mishaels, and Azariahs of our time; unafraid to stand for what is right, even in a culture that often challenges our Christian principles.


When we build on Jesus Christ, the Alpha, and the Omega, we will be like Daniel and his friends—wise, strong, and favoured by God. When we allow the light of Christ to shine through our education, we will transform not only ourselves but also the world around us.

Let us therefore commit to a kind of education that does not merely inform, but transforms. Let us be salt and light, preserving and shining in a world that needs the hope and truth of Jesus Christ so that we will not be hidden. And let us remember that when Christ is our foundation, our education will not only prepare us for the world but also for eternity.

May God bless you as you continue in the pursuit of education with Christian values for transformation. Amen.

Shalom aleikhem...

-We would like to hear from you to serve you the unadulterated Word of God. Please give us your comments in the comment section, thank you.

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  1. Thanks for the message. Very impactful. Key truths picked to also teach others.

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