Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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Peace of the Lord be onto you... God bless you for revisiting our site to be refreshed by the unadulterated word of God. Our focus of discussion today is "Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega: Shout for Joy, Great is the Lord the Most Worthy of Praise." We come together to praise the eternal One, who holds our past, present, and future in His hands. Our focus is from Psalm 100:1-5, where the psalmist calls us to "Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth" and reminds us of His greatness and faithfulness. Let us also consider the words of Hebrews 13:15-16 and Acts 16:25-26 as we reflect on how our praise, even in difficult circumstances, can transform situations and open the door to God's miraculous intervention.

Jesus Christ: The Alpha and the Omega

Beloved, for a detailed message on this theme, please search and read them on this page. But for the purpose of today's focus, I'll make a simple statement on it, connecting to our discussion.

Jesus Christ as the "Alpha and the Omega" comes from the book of Revelation (Rev 22:13). It refers to Christ as the eternal One, the beginning and the end of all things. In Jesus, all creation finds its origin and its fulfillment. From the beginning of time to the end of all things, Jesus reigns supreme. He is the Creator who spoke the world into existence, and He will be the one to bring it to its glorious conclusion.

This truth should stir in us a deep reverence and awe. We are not worshiping a distant, uninvolved God. We worship the One who knows the end from the beginning, who holds the keys to life and death, and who has promised to return in glory to make all things new. Anytime we gather to worship, we are participating in the eternal story of God’s redemptive plan.

Make a Joyful Shout! Great is the Lord (Psalm 100:1-5)

In Psalm 100, we are commanded to “shout for joy to the Lord." This is not a passive, silent response to God's goodness. It is an active, loud, joyful expression of praise, an outward declaration of the greatness of our God. The psalmist writes, "Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture."

This Psalm calls us to joyful celebration because we belong to the Lord. He is our Shepherd, our Creator, and our Redeemer. We praise Him because He is good, His love endures forever, and is worthy of praise. His faithfulness continues through all generations. Our praise, therefore, is not based on our circumstances but on who God is. Even when life is hard, we can still shout for joy because God is unchanging in His love and goodness. He sings, "Enter His gate with thanksgiving and his court with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name."

We are expected to project the greatness of the Lord in our praise. If our body is the temple of God, (cf. 1 Cor. 3:16; 2 Cor. 6:16) then the psalmist is indicating that everything that comes out of us must be the expression of the joy of the Lord, which in fact is our strength (Neh. 8:10). Can the Christian live in worry and grow in despair? By no means. Shout for joy, even when the tides are against you. Begone unbelieve, the bitter is sweet, the medicine is food, though painful at present, it will soon be gone because my Saviour is here. 

A Sacrifice of Praise (Hebrews 13:15-16)

Hebrews 13:15 calls us to "continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess His name." Sometimes, praising God feels easy when life is going well. But there are other times when praising God feels like a real sacrifice. When we are walking through seasons of hardship, trials, or pain, it takes intentionality to lift our voices in praise. 

Yet, this is the beauty of our faith: even in the darkest moments, we are called to worship. Our praise becomes a powerful testimony to the world around us, that we serve a God who is greater than our circumstances. 

The writer of Hebrews also reminds us not to forget to do good and share with others, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. True worship is not just about words but about lives lived in service to God and others. Doing good becomes a sacrifice when you are challenged to give off your very last money or item. Do you remember the widow who went viral because of her two coins? (Mark 12:42-44). Indeed, "For with such sacrifices God is pleased."

The Power of Praise in Difficult Circumstances (Acts 16:25-26)

Let's recount the story of Paul and Silas, who were imprisoned for preaching the gospel. With their feet in stocks, hands in chains, bruised from the beatings and locked behind bars, they did something extraordinary—they began to pray and sing hymns to God. In the face of suffering and injustice, they chose to praise God. And something miraculous happened. The prison was shaken, the doors popped open, and their chains were loosed. Oh yes! When our praises go up, His glory comes down.

This story shows us the power of praise, even in the darkest times. When we lift our voices to God, no matter what we are facing, we are reminded that He is still in control. Our praise has the power to break chains, to change atmospheres, and to invite God's presence into our situations. Praise shifts our focus from the problem to the One who is greater than any problem we may face.

Papa Opare Kwakye, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, in his explanation of Jesus as the Alpha and the Omega, looks at it from the perspective of an artist. When a work of art is in progress, the work looks clumsy and unappealing, meanwhile, as soon as the work is done, everyone makes meaning out of it and appreciates the work. What God is doing in your life may not be making sense to you now, but with patience, it will be meaningful to you. At every stage of your life, shout for joy for it is His work in progress. 


As we reflect on Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, let us be reminded that our lives are held in His hands. He is our beginning and our end, our Shepherd, our Brother, our Friend, and our Saviour. In response to who He is, let us shout for joy and offer Him our highest praise. Even when life is hard, we can trust that God is at work, and our praise can become a powerful force in our lives and in the world around us.

So today, let us heed the call of Psalm 100, and come before the Lord with gladness and joyful songs. Let us offer Him a sacrifice of praise, as we remember the power that is released when God's people worship Him, even amid trials.

Let us shout for joy, for great is the Lord and most worthy of praise!


Shalom aleikhem...

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  1. Glory be to God. He is worthy to be praised

    1. Indeed, when our praises goes up, His glory will surely come down. Let's shout for joy always.

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