Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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I welcome you to a message on "Jesus Christ the Alpha and the Omega: The Restorer and Deliverer of Our Lives," connected to Blues Cross - a group dedicated to reaching out to people who are into alcoholism, hard drugs, and other substance abuse. 

Anchoring today's message on "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last" (Revelation 22:13), where Jesus Christ affirms that He is the ultimate authority, who restores and delivers us from every form of bondage—physical, spiritual, and emotional. Jesus brings healing, restoration, and freedom from addiction, suffering, and all that entangles us in our lives.

Jesus Christ; The Restorer of Broken Lives (Ruth 4:13-21)

Ruth’s story illustrates Christ as the restorer. Boaz, the kinsman-redeemer, symbolizes Christ who restores and redeems what is broken or lost. Knowing where Ruth came from, a Moabite widow who followed her in-law, a widow, a despaired and bitter woman, now finds hope, restoration, and a new lineage through Boaz. Under this lineage comes Christ Jesus, the Saviour of humanity.

Just as Naomi and Ruth were restored to a place of hope, prosperity, and favour with God and society, Christ restores us from the brokenness of sin, hopelessness, and all that life throws at us.

Alcoholics, drug addicts, and substance abusers are being called today, to find connection to Christ Jesus and receive deliverance and restoration. If life has entangled you with the storm of depression, despair, hardship, bitterness, unforgiving, addiction, etc. Jesus Christ, the restorer of broken lives is ready to put you in shape.

I encountered someone addicted to sniffing adhesive glue - the one shoemakers use in their work. Surprised? Yes, its effect is exactly as a drug addict. I was surprised but that is what it is. Through counseling and prayers, when his heart finally opened to God, Jesus Christ delivered and restored him, and today, he is a fine gentleman in society.

Jesus' arms are open for you today, run to Him with your brokenness, addiction, bondage, depression, bitterness, and what have you, for full restoration in Jesus' name, Amen!

Jesus Christ; The Deliverer of Our Live Lameness (Acts 3:11-16)

Peter and John deliver a message of Jesus Christ as the deliverer of our lives after healing the lame man at the temple. Peter boldly proclaims that it was not by their power but through faith in the name of Jesus that this man was healed and delivered from his affliction. Listen to Peter, "By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see." (Acts 3:16)

Our Lord Jesus Christ is still in the business of delivering people today from all kinds of captivity—be it physical ailments, emotional struggles, or spiritual bondage. Just reach out to Him and say in prayer, "Lord Jesus, save me."

From birth, after many unknown years, this gentleman was struggling with this ailment of lameness. Are you struggling with addiction or life lameness? What is crippling your growth, progress, or development? Do you know that chronic procrastination could be a lameness in your life? Beloved, Christ Jesus delivers us from our "lameness" and gives us the ability to walk in the newness of life.

I pray for you: Be delivered right now from all forms of brokenness and lameness in your life in Jesus' name, Amen!

Testimony and Witness: The Response to Being Restored and Delivered (Luke 8:36-39)

The story of the man possessed by demons illustrates how Jesus, not only delivers but also calls us to testify about His work in our lives. After being healed, the man wanted to follow Jesus, but Jesus sent him back to his hometown to share what God had done for him, "“Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him." (Luke 8:39)

So it is with us, that we too, are called to bear witness to Jesus’ restoration and deliverance in our lives. Those freed from addiction, depression, or life's burdens should proclaim how Christ, the Alpha and Omega, transformed them. I have heard steadfast people of the Christian faith with outstanding testimonies that in turn give assurance to the despair. 

Precious one, write down your testimony of how Christ delivered and restored you to inspire others in the faith. This is actually a call from Christ to us all, “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” This is the same command Jesus gave us on His ascension, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Blues Cross Sunday is an opportunity for the church to share testimonies of Christ’s restorative power in the lives of those who have been freed from the chains of addiction and hardship.


Jesus Christ is indeed the Alpha and the Omega, the Restorer and Deliverer of our lives. Just as He restored Ruth, healed the lame man, and delivered the demon-possessed man, He continues to work in our lives today.

I encourage you today to reflect on Christ’s role as your personal restorer and deliverer, to place your full trust in Him for restoration, healing, and freedom from all bondages. Precious one, I invite you to experience restoration and deliverance through the power of Christ in prayer right now. Believe in your prayers and acknowledge Jesus' power to heal, restore, and set free by consciously staying away from them. Amen!

Shalom aleikhem...

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