Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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2 Kings 2:1-12; 2 Corinthians 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9

Shalom aleikhem…


Our reflection today is "It is good we are here." These words echo throughout the scriptures, resounding in different contexts, but in all areas of consideration of these words, they always carry a powerful message of presence, awareness, satisfaction, and spiritual significance.

Exegesis of the Three Readings

In the book of 2 Kings 2:1-12, we find the narrative of Elijah and Elisha. This passage describes the close relationship between the two prophets and the moment when Elijah is taken up to heaven in a whirlwind. 

As they journey together, Elijah persuades Elisha to stay behind as the Lord has called him to another place. However, Elisha's response is firm and resolute, "As the Lord lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you." 

These words of commitment and determination point to the recognition of the sacred moment, the sense of being in the presence of God, and the satisfactory desire to remain without distractions.

Going into the New Testament, 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 speaks about the gospel being veiled to those who are perishing, blinded by the god of this world. However, for those who are being saved, the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, shines in their hearts.

This passage reminds us of the significance of being in the presence of the Light of Christ Jesus. Recognizing the truth that is revealed to us, and acknowledging the spiritual transformation that takes place when we are open to the divine presence, God's true image in Christ is made manifest.

In addition, Mark 9:2-9 brings to us the transfiguration of Jesus Christ. Peter, James, and John witness the glorious transfiguration of Jesus, as His clothes become dazzling white and He is joined by Moses and Elijah. 

In response to this extraordinary event, Peter declares, "Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; let us make three dwellings, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah." Peter's words capture the sense of awe, reverence, and gratitude for experiencing the divine revelation at that moment.

When we reflect on these passages collectively, we are invited to consider the significance of being fully present in the divine presence – whether it be in the company of a spiritual mentor, in the revelation of the gospel, or in the midst of a sacred encounter with God.

So what does it mean for us to say, "It is good we are here"?

Firstly, "it is good we are here" signifies an awareness or meeting the sacred presence of the Almighty God. In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to become preoccupied with our past, or the weight of our present circumstances, or the anxiety of what the future holds. We often overlook or miss the divine presence in the here and now. By acknowledging the goodness of being here, we recognize that every moment is an opportunity to experience God's grace, to encounter the truth, and to be transformed by the light of Christ.

Again, it reflects a posture of openness and readiness to receive divine revelation. When we affirm, "It is good we are here," we express our willingness to be attentive to the signs of God's presence, to listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit, and to discern the unfolding of God's will and purpose in our lives. It is an acknowledgment that our hearts and minds are fully inclined to the workings of God in our midst.

Moreover, saying "It is good we are here" signifies a sense of gratitude and praise for the blessing of being in the presence of God. Just as Peter expressed his desire to build dwellings for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah, our declaration of "It is good we are here" is a response of gratitude for the sacred moments when we encounter God's glory, experience divine comfort, and receive the gift of spiritual insight.

In light of these reflections, how can we live out the message of "It is good we are here" in our daily lives? Let's share some practical steps.

We can cultivate a spirit of consciousness and attentiveness to God's presence in our everyday life experiences. Whether in the beauty of nature, the kindness of others, or the quiet moments of our reflections, we can train ourselves to recognize and appreciate the presence of God's glory in the ordinary and the extraordinary happenings.

Additionally, we can intentionally create space for spiritual nourishment and contemplation. This may involve setting aside time for prayer, meditation, or devotional readings to deepen our awareness of God's presence and to allow for moments of spiritual rejuvenation.

Furthermore, we can practice the discipline of gratitude by acknowledging and giving thanks for the blessings we receive, both big and small. By intentionally cultivating a heart of gratitude, we open ourselves to experiencing the goodness of being in the presence of God more profoundly.

Lastly, we can embrace a posture of openness and readiness to respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. This includes being willing to step out in faith, engage in acts of compassion and justice, and seek opportunities to be vessels of God's love and grace in our world.


The message of "It is good we are here" resonates deeply with the call to be fully present, attentive, and receptive to the divine presence in our lives. It reminds us of the sacredness of every moment, the significance of being open to divine revelation, and the need for gratitude and readiness to respond to God's call. 

As we reflect on these words, may we be inspired to live in the awareness of God's presence and to embrace each moment as an opportunity to experience the goodness of being in the presence of the One who beckons us to "be here." Amen.

Shalom aleikhem...

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