Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
By -

 Genesis 29: 15-28, Romans 8: 26-39, Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52


Treasures are things that are of great value and therefore protected from thieves and unworthy people. Mostly, people turn who have them turn them over to security agencies for safekeeping. In God's wisdom, treasures are hidden within the crust of the earth - gold, oil, bauxite, iron ore, etc.

Searching is to carefully look and thoroughly seek with focus and seriousness to find it. People search for is either missing or hidden, which may be very important, valuable, or precious to them. Searching for the hidden treasure implies;

  • You know what is missing or hidden. 
  • You intentionally focus on getting it no matter the cost. 

A search for the hidden treasure demands the devotion of time, discipline, and determination. 

Jacob's Hidden Treasure (Rachel)

In Gen. 29:15-28, Jacob was to work for his uncle Laban and to name his wages. Jacob saw Laban’s daughter Rachel as a treasure which he thought would be a good seven years' wage for him. When Jacob had worked for his uncle for seven years, he was presented with Leah who was the older daughter of Laban but he did not give up. He agreed to work for additional seven years just to have his treasure, Rachel.  "So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her." Genesis 29:20. 

It is the love we build for the hidden treasure that makes us pursue it until we have it. No matter how hard it may seem for us to aim at achieving a goal. When we deem that goal to be so valuable to us, we do not consider the hustle and pain but remain focused. Like Jacob, we will always go all out until we receive what we treasure (Gen. 29:28).

There are many motivational messages encouraging us to persevere and never give up until we attain what is of value. There may be struggles along the way, but with determination and perseverance, we will always get there. Jacob treasured Rachel and worked for seven years for her "and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her." Genesis 29:20.

What are you doing to possess the hidden treasure, the Kingdom of God?

The Hidden Treasure, the Kingdom of Heaven

Jesus Christ used several parables to indicate that the kingdom of Heaven is like a hidden treasure. He then explained how it should be valued and how it can be obtained.

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."
Matthew 13:44. 

When we deem the Kingdom of Heaven as a treasure we yearn for it, we sacrifice all that we have in order to possess it. The supreme value of the Kingdom of Heaven is worth far more than any sacrifice one could make to acquire it (Matt. 13:44). 

Remember the man came by the treasure in the field unexpectedly. But when he found it, he sold all that he had in order to acquire it because of its worth.  By grace you have come to hear and know about the Kingdom of Heaven, but upon knowing it, what are you doing about it? Do you value it? If you do, you would want to sacrifice everything just to possess it.  

We have no excuse to lose the Kingdom of Heaven, our treasure. Whatever our weaknesses may be, Rom. 8:26 says that the Holy Spirit helps in our weakness. Thus, all we need to do is to value the Kingdom as a treasure, desire, and focused to keep it, and it shall be ours.

It is the Spirit of God that enables us to be able to search for the hidden treasure, the Kingdom of God. If you do not have Him, then you are far off to reach this valuable treasure. I invite you today to accept into your life Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour in order to possess the Kingdom. (Romans 10:9-10).

The merchant in Matthew 13:45-46 was searching for that choice of pearls that represented the Kingdom of Heaven and when he found it, he sold all he had and bought it. 

 There may be instances that we may be focused and determined to live our lives in a way to please God in order to attain the Kingdom of Heaven. But difficulties, trials, and temptations will attempt to discourage us from searching to find. "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?" Romans 8:35. Our determination to be with God and God's love for us is so great that nothing can separate us from this love. "...In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Romans 8:37 (ESV)

The Kingdom of God like the fishing net tells us that everyone is capable of coming in. Meanwhile, it is only those who live up to God's standards who will qualify to enter into it. The good will be brought in and the bad will be thrown into the burning fiery furnace, "In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Matt. 13:47-50).

Many have run into the saving arms of Jesus Christ but still live their lives according to the world's standards. A church member, group member, and even leader may be a catechist or clergy. On judgment day, there will be a sorting of the good from the bad, where will you be? You are baptized, pay your tithe, preach well, sing powerfully, and all that, but, where will you be when the saints go marching in? 


Search for the hidden treasure, the Kingdom of God, and sacrifice all that you are, and possess it, holding fast to that which is good to the very end of time.

Shalom aleikhem...

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  1. Powerful message God bless you papa

    1. God bless you too my dear. Grateful for the comment.

  2. I really enjoyed the word and taken the message. Is my prayer that God help me to sacrifice my all to seek this treasure which is the kingdom of God very well so I will be among the saints that March in ,in the last days God bless you Papa

  3. God grant us the grace to value the treasure we have and hold on ito it till the end.

  4. God bless you Papa

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