Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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JOB 1:4-5, “His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.

And when the days of the feast had run their course, Job would send and consecrate them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all, for Job said, “It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.” 

Thus Job did continually.”

Today is “Father's Day” and I wish all fathers happy, happy Father’s Day.

Today’s passage is a very good example of a good father.

As we celebrate this day all men and for that matter all fathers should emulate Job. Every aspect of their children’s lives should be of utmost importance to them, including their relationship with the Lord.

Let us clap for Job.

Note this. “ Good fathers do three things: They provide, they nurture and they guide.”

Roland Warren.

As a father do you provide, nurture and guide? Or you are irresponsible. Are you a lazy father? Again have you left your children to the mercy of friends, tv, phone, and other things? And their mother?

Do you discipline your children or do you over-pamper them?

I love this quote by David Beckham, “In my career, there are many things I’ve achieved. But for me, my greatest achievement is my children and my family. It’s about being a good father, a good husband, just being connected to family, as much as possible.”

Let this be your focus “Mr Father.” Teach your children, discipline them, play with them, and provide for them. 

And above all be a model to them.

The best legacy that you can bequeath to your children is virtues.

A good father is the one who is always a role model to his children.

Are you a good father?

A good father respects and loves his children’s mother.

Do your respect and love your wife?

If not then you are a bad father. You don’t need to be celebrated today.

If you have neglected or denied ownership of a child you have given birth to, then I admonish you to immediately go and claim ownership, or take proper responsibility for that child.

Even if your child has offended you and you have disowned him, I appeal to you to accept the child back.

Train and nurture your children so that they become good fathers and mothers.

If you don’t train, direct and guide your children to be good,  you will live to regret it.

Live exemplary life at home. What children see influences them more than what they hear.

I hope you are with me?

Please make time for your children. Don’t be an absentee father.

Pray for your kids and family regularly.

Collaborate with your wife to raise your children.

Please if you are a child and you are not on good terms with your dad, because probably he did not treat you well or maltreated your mum, please for heaven's sake patch up with your dad.

Some mothers also brainwash their children to ignore their father because their father was irresponsible. Please I appeal to all such women to repent of that. It is unchristian.

Finally, I warn you that you are going to give an account before the Lord of how you raise your children.

Once again I congratulate all good fathers.

God bless you.

Pray for fathers to be responsible.

Pray for all bastards.

Pray for wayward children

Pray for fathers who are not respected by their children and wives because of poverty.

Rev. Dr Anokye Nkansah

Presbyterian Church of Ghana


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