Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
By -


Genesis 41:1-7, 37-46, 2 Timothy 1:3-9, Matthew 14:13-21


In our movies, the story writers would mostly write 'To God be the Glory' at the end. The Bible tells us "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 (ESV). The glory of God is to say, the presence of God. All of God's creation is to be brought to experience the glory of God (Psa. 19:1-2).

Raising the Child for God's Glory

In the night when the angels visited the shepherds, announcing the birth of the Saviour, our Lord Jesus, the heavenly host joined them to praise and glorify God (Luke 2:13-14). The experience of the shepherds in the glorification of God is demonstrated in their subsequent visit to the boy Jesus.

The boy Jesus needed to be nurtured to grow in fulfillment of this glory of God. So the Bible says, "And he [Jesus] went down with them [Mary and Joseph] and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man." Luke 2:51-52 (ESV) The submissiveness of Jesus engaged proper parenting to experience the glory of God from childhood. 

The boy Samuel also had her mother, Hannah bringing him up in the way of the Lord to experience God's glory. "And the boy Samuel grew in the presence of the LORD." 1 Samuel 2:21 (ESV). Even when Samuel found himself with the sons of Eli who "would not listen to the voice of their father" 1 Samuel 2:25 (ESV), the Bible says, "Now the boy Samuel continued to grow both in stature and in favor with the LORD and also with man." 1 Samuel 2:26 (ESV)

Again, Apostle Paul draws Timothy's attention to his "sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and, I am sure, dwells in you as well" 2 Tim. 1:5. This is the passing on of faith through proper parenting from grandmother to mother and to the son. For our children to experience the glory of God from childhood, they must be nurtured in the way of the Lord from birth.

This is where the Church must wake up. I personally did not have parents who were deep-rooted Christians to nurture me in the way of the Lord, but I had a mother who would make sure I attend Children's Sunday School, and Brigade meetings so that I get what she can't give me at home. The growing trend in our society is shelving proper parenting and nurturing in our homes. The time for Brigade meetings is being swallowed up by extra classes, homework, projects, etc impeeding the holistic growth - (educational, social, physical, and spiritual) of our children. 

Again, how well has the church positioned and equipped the Children's Service Teachers, Junior Youth Leaders, and Brigade officers of today to fill the growing gap of inefficient parenting in our homes? Is the Brigade's "Four Square Programme" active in our churches today? Our children can only experience the glory from childhood when we put them in God's presence always.

This is not to say, parents should shelve their parental responsibilities, by no means. Children are gifts from God and parents will be judged according to how we raise them. Jesus, our Saviour may not have experienced God's glory from childhood without proper parenting, "And he [Jesus] went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man." Luke 2:51-52 (ESV) As Christian parents, let us rise up to our core duty to bring our children to the very full experience of God's glory.

God's Glory

I have observed that our Christian prayers nowadays have a common closing phrase, "...and we will give You all the glory, in Jesus' name Amen!" As arguable as it may be, my question is, do we actually give God all the glory as we say? or is it just lip service? 

We're like the two boys who were sent and the money got lost on their way. They agreed to pray to God and the one praying said, 'Our Father in Heaven, please help us find the money or else we'll be beaten. If we find it we will give You half of it.' Then the other one prompted him that half of the money cannot be used to buy what they've been sent to buy, then the one saying the prayer shook him and with an undertone voice said, "be quiet … we will not give it to Him when we find it … it a trick".

If our prayers are like this, how can we experience God's glory who is Omniscient - all-knowing? And be able to lead the young ones to experience God's glory from childhood. God needs us to experience His glory in our adulthood in order to make this glory available to the young ones.

Experiencing the Glory of God from Childhood

Childhood is a period of assessing the self, environment, what we have and have not, etc. A period of building consciousness.

How can we make the presence of God practical from childhood? The glory of God brings transformation of life. In addition to all the great practices you may be engaged in already, let's note the following:

1. Daily devotionals to consciously think about God's presence. Help the child to constantly meditate on God to draw closer always. This will show children the power of God over all circumstances, "Be still and know that I am God," (Psm 46:10). In their quiet time, help the child to understand God's word in reflection unto his/her daily life. Commit to being in His presence by confessing all sins at all times and fleeing from them always. Joseph kept still as he went through the pit, and prison to be lifted in glory as Prime Minister of Egypt. 

2. Direct the child to keep constant conversation with God. Let them see God's relevance in their situations. You start by helping them to direct all their complaints to God first. Joseph complained to no one but God and kept faith in Him, hence his rise to power (Gen. 41:37-41). God's presence from childhood is much felt when the child knows that God is much closer than everyone. Teach them to talk to God about everything not just designate some times for prayers. God is always ready to listen and answer us.

3. Experiencing the glory of God is a life of praise full of gratitude. When the child is filled with much appreciation and gratitude for what God has made him/her, the glory of God keeps shining over them. Help the child to accept his/her makeup, and circumstances and know that God has a special purpose for what he/she is. Joseph went through unpleasant situations but knew God was with him, he told his brothers, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today." Genesis 50:20 (ESV). In our praise life, God reveals Himself and manifests His power over our situations.

In our gratitude to God, we experience His glory when we give to Him from our hearts. The boy gave his loaves and fishes to Jesus and experienced the glory (John 6:9). When children are not taught to open their hearts in giving, they miss the glory of God.


Children experience what the adult exposes them to. If we put them in God's glory, they would surely experience the same. Meanwhile, we cannot give what we do not have. In essence, you must be experiencing the glory of God to aid the young ones in your environment to experience the same.

Children learn by imitation, observation, mimicking, and repetition. What the adults do by experience will be the experience of the child.

Let us sit up, to help the young ones to experience the glory of God from childhood for there is no place to be than God's holy presence.

Shalom aleichem...


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