Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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Genesis 15:1-6; Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16; Luke 12:32-40



Talking about holistic health, means we are looking at the complete health care of the person or the people. 

This includes the spiritual, emotional, psychological, physical, and all aspects of life which help us to live a normal complete life. 

At creation, God’s plan was for man to live a holistic life. Until the Fall, there was no issue about sickness and death. 

God had provided all that man needed to live a complete life. For this purpose, God gave the man a diet that depended mainly on vegetables and herbs. 

But when sin entered, it brought in its wake death and decay. Around the time of the fall of man, the life span was about 900 years. 

That eventually came down to 120 years. By this time, man was eating all manner of flesh. 

Currently, medical officers are encouraging us to reduce the amount of meat we consume and add more vegetables to our meals. The slogan today is, ‘Let your kitchen be your pharmacy.' 

Then for the good of man, God decided to establish a community of faith for humanity through the Hebrews. 

As part of this development, God gave the Hebrews rules and regulations covering every aspect of human life. 

In Leviticus chapters 11-15, almost all aspects of human health are covered. From chapters 16-27, religious instructions are also fully covered. 

Chapter 11, deals with healthy livestock which is good for man. Included in the list of the animals humanity should keep away from are scavengers and the like, which means that God has always had the well-being of man at heart.

The conclusion of all these prohibitions was that “I will for their sakes remember the covenant of their ancestors…” (Leviticus 26:45). 

God had covenanted to be their God and to keep them from danger and sickness, provided the people were going to be obedient to Him.

In other words, God was saying that the keeping of the laws and commandments was for the good of the people. 

In the days of the prophets, the prophets themselves were involved in the healing ministry as well. 

In 2 Kings 20:7, the prophet Isaiah through herbal medicine brought relief to king Hezekiah, who was suffering from a boil ailment.

Malachi also tells us, “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings” (Mal. 4:2). 

So God, the Creator, continues to be interested in the good health of His people. 

When Jesus started His ministry, we are told that He went round teaching, preaching, and healing all manner of sickness and disease among the people (Matt. 4:23). 

Jesus’ healing ministry was a clear demonstration that the Kingdom of God had come to the world. 

Again, it gives all believers the assurance that in heaven, there will be no disease or sickness. The promise of God would have been completely fulfilled.

Just as Jesus demonstrated in His ministry, the Church has over the years, been actively involved in the holistic health of humanity. 

For the spiritual well-being of the world, the Church has been teaching, preaching, and healing the people. 

The missionaries who introduced Christianity into the country attached health facilities to the mission stations. This practice has continued up to date.

To help strengthen the healing ministry of the church, many health institutions have been set up throughout the whole nation. 

Different denominations for instance the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, have attached health training institutions, like nursing and dental schools to their existing hospitals. 

Paul, who was actively involved in both the healing and deliverance ministries, traveled most of the time with Luke, who was a medical doctor. 

This was to make sure that the health needs of the missionary team were adequately catered for.

It is worthy of note that most medical facilities in Ghana have offices for chaplains, who help with the spiritual needs of the sick as well as in deliverance services.

God’s original purpose for man was total good health. In 3 John 2, he writes, “Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers”. 

Let us note that it is prosperity, good health as well as spiritual growth or prosperity, that the Apostle writes about.

From most of the points raised, we see that God has developed a complete health mix of spiritual/deliverance, herbal and medical options for mankind.

The God, who is the Beginning and the End, will end all the suffering and pain that man, through disobedience, brought unto himself.


Beloved, it won’t be long and we will be going home, where all suffering and pain will end. There, we will continuously be enjoying the original and permanent holistic good health that the loving Father planned for humanity.  

Until then, may we continue to enjoy our partial health and be grateful to God for all the facilities provided, because He loves us.

Write-up by: Rev. Kwame Dankyi Ansong. PhD.

Shalom Aleichem...


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