Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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6 minute read

Exodus 34:29-35; 2 Corinthians 3:12-18; 4:1-4; Luke 9:28-43


The shining glory of the Lord is the full indication of God's presence, beauty, excellence, or completeness with His people. Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." When the glory of God appears in a place miracles happen, testimonies follow, chains are broken, bondages are broken, deliverance happens, there will be promotions, favour, etc. We have testimonies from the life of Paul and Silas when they praised God in prison. Jesus Christ when He raised Lazarus from death, healing of the blind, feeding the hungry, etc. All these were done to the glory of God and to glorify Jesus. (Acts 16:25-34, John 11:4-6, 44, John 9:3).

The Shining Glory of God

Moses had a transfigured appearance after being in the presence of God for forty (40) days and nights without eating or drinking (Exo. 34:28). The Israelites were afraid to see Moses' radiant face but he was not even aware (Exo. 34:29-30). The transfigured face gave the people the evidence of Moses' presence with the Lord and they respected the Word of God.

When we wait on the Lord, the glory shines for us everywhere we go. God's glorious presence is spotted with us everywhere we may be.

In the synoptic Gospels, Jesus goes to the mountain with James, John and Peter to pray. Jesus Christ, the light of the world transfigured as they prayed. This time, the appearance of His face and body became as bright as flashing lightning (Luke 9:28-29). 

Peter asked for three shelters to be built so they stay up there. He did not actually know what he was saying (Luke 9:32-33). There was the appearance of a cloud that covered them and fear gripped them (Luke 9:34). Out of this cloud, God spoke, declaring to them that, "This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to Him" (Luke 9:35).

One key thing is that Moses did not even know that he had a radiant face and Peter did not know what he was saying. And in both instances the people became afraid. Note that when Jesus was born, His shining star appeared in the far east. 

Beloved, you may not even be aware of the shining glory of the Lord in your life, but others may know. Do not belittle what God is doing in your life. When people begin to hate you, do not hate them or give up on what connects you to God's shining glory. Keep your focus for they may have seen your shining star and are afraid you may outshine them. Let the glory of the Lord shine in you and for others by remaining focused.

The Bible says Jesus spoke about the unbelieving and perverse generation saying, "how long shall I stay with you and put up with you?" When the disciples could not drive the demons in the boy out (Luke 9:37-41). The glory of the Lord shone when Jesus healed the boy and gave him back to his father.

I believe God wants to shine in people's difficult times through us as we shine for His glory. Some persons may be going through difficult circumstances today because we have not made His shining glory possible in our lives. The disciples were described as perverse and unbelieving generation. Your faith level in Christ also determines the shining glory of the Lord. 

As a Christian, commit to the daily study of God's Word, uninterrupted communion with God, prayer and constant shining to the world as its light. "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ." Romans 10:17

The Shining Glory of the Lord

God is glorified when humanity is made to experience His full presence with them.

You may need to dedicate or rededicate your life to God through Christ Jesus to experience the awesome power of His glory. Beloved, this is not about being born again for a long time, but it is about purifying yourself to make the indwelling of the Holy Spirit adorable. It is about offering your life as a living sacrifice worthy and acceptable unto God (Romans 12:1).

I personally behold that my life is God’s work in progress. I always ask God to break me, melt me, crush me, mould me and fill me to befit the shape that He wants me to be. I know I am not perfect and I might not be where God wants me to be yet, but I will keep pressing on by the mercy and the grace of God until I get to that level that God wants me to be. I hunger and thirst for more of God to know Him deep and wide every day. Precious one, I may not be perfect yet, and make mistakes in life. But the grace and the mercy of God is sufficient to keep me growing unto His glorious maturity and so are you. (Phil 3:12, James 3:2, 2 Cor. 12:9, Jude 1:24).

Child of God, is there a situation in your life that needs the touch of God? Are there mountains that need to move? Is yours a serious clinical diagnosis, poverty, residence issues, marital issues, backsliding, children issues, barrenness, family issues, work issues, depression, oppression, failure, etc? Whatever the situation may be, I will encourage you to dedicate and/or rededicate your life to God to let the glory of the Lord shine.

This is not to say that when you dedicate your life to God, automatically things will fall into place immediately. But some transformation occurs immediately, miracles may happen instantly and in some cases, it may take a longer process (in our timing) for God to put things right, because He makes all things beautiful in his own time (Habakkuk 2:3). One thing is sure, when the glory of God appears there will be a landmark in our lives, something will change, there will be a shift in certain areas of our life. Because it is all about God and the power of His glory (2Cor. 5:17).

Brethren whatever you are going through, even if it gets worse after praying, believe that it is all for the glory of God. Remember, for God's glory to shine, from birth a man had to live with blindness until he met Christ (John 9:3). Maybe God wants His glory to appear in a much bigger way in your life. Keep praying, do not stop, do not give up, Jesus Christ, the light of the world is aware of your situation and He will shine over them at the right time.

Please give your life to Jesus today, confess your sins to Him and believe in the power of his resurrection so that the name of God will be glorified. Amen!

Shalom aleichem...


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Today | 14, March 2025