Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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 Isa. 62:1-5; 1Cor 12:1-11; John 2:1-11


The theme, "The Workings of God" can simply be put as the things God does. The knowledge we have about who somebody is comes as a result of what the person does. Jesus once said, 'by their fruit, you will know them'. This is to say, we know who a person or something is based on what it does or she/he does.

God's Works

Apostle Paul takes us through some of the works of God. He explains that though the works are different, meanwhile, "it is the same God at work." 

The workings of God throws His marvelous light onto our path. God's works manifest in His children for the common good of all.

Manifestation of God's works as determined by His Spirit to us; 1Cor. 12

~ Word of wisdom

~ Word of knowledge

~ Faith

~ Gift of healing

~ Miraculous power

~ Prophecy

~ Distinguishing between spirits

~ Speaking different kinds of tongues

When the devil possesses anyone, he uses the person to destroy, kill and steal. That is his workings. But Christ Jesus came that we may have life and have it abundantly. He gives to His children as He determines.

God's Workings Timelines

It is common to witness some declarations as "next year by this time..." This new year, from Isa. 62:1-5, your name will be changed, your vindication is at hand, you are going to shine, prominent people will honour you, you will be treated like a royal, you shall be fruitful, you will marry and God will rejoice over you. You can claim them as they are. But in God's working timelines.

God's timelines are what we need, to see His perfect workings in our lives.

In the case of David, he was anointed as king when he was around 17 years meanwhile, he had 12 years to ascend the throne. Abraham had to wait for 25 years to have the promised son. Joseph had his dreams at a tender age. He was sold at about 18 years. At about 28 years he interpreted the dreams of Pharoah's servants. We are told the cupbearer forgot Joseph for 'two full years' (Gen. 41:1) before 'Pharaoh had a dream.' Altogether, it took him 18 years to behold his dreams. For instance, if the cupbearer remembered Joseph and he was released immediately, he may have considered going back to his in Canaan now that he is free. That would have shattered the fulfillment because Pharaoh's dream came after 2 full years.

Beloved in Christ, dream! yes, dream big! but don't push God's timing in your life.

In the book of Esther, Mordecai was forgotten by the king to honour him. This was God's own doing. When it a time the Jews were going to be annihilated, he tormented him to remember and honour him, God's workings come in His time.

The Workings of Christ Jesus

At Cana, Jesus' mother tells Him, "They have no more wine." Jesus speaks of His time. When Jesus is present in your life, He can and is willing to turn your shame into fame and gory experience into glory. Though Jesus was not willing to do anything, because He was present, He did save the situation. 

Call on Jesus now, if you have Him in your life to salvage your situation now.

The six jars were for Jewish ceremonial washing, water from them was not even fit for human consumption, but it contained the best of wine and everyone would run and drink from it. 

You may not be of worth to somebody today, but by the workings of Jesus in your life, they will run to you for the best of life.

The master banquet said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.” 

May you be preserved, saved, hidden until the right time in Jesus' name, Amen. God's time is always the best.


God has given us His gifting to manifest His workings through us. We are supposed to be mindful of His timing, it must be apt and must not pass by. What we do in our lives depicts our Master's workings. Paul said, "You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 1 Corinthians 12:2,7. How have you and are you manifesting the workings of God in your life for the benefit of all others?


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  1. May God use you mightily as you humble dedicate and avail yourself for His use, Amen!

  2. Indeed, God's time is the best and he makes things beautiful. More grace to you Papa

    1. Rich, thank you. We must always push forward in His time. You're blessed.

  3. Meaning, declarations are still tied to God's own timings and will. The authentic declarations are the ones in his decrees or promises. We cannot understand all the workings of God. If one does not assume that God is the Eternal controller of all things, and that even satan is one of the creatures of the works of His hands, knowing his workings becomes rare to ones faith and living. His workings are always for our good.
    Thanks papa for this message. God bless u

    1. M.D, that is fantastic. God bless you for the comment. I'm grateful.

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