Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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Jeremiah 1:4-10; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Luke 4:21-30


From the book of Joel, God desired that His followers will prophesy (Joel 2:28). This heartfelt desire of God came to pass at Pentecost (Acts 2). Prophesy is a gift of the Holy Spirit given unto men/women to speak for God. We should note that not all who prophesy are prophets however, all prophets prophesy.

Prophetic office is ordained - given by God but not from humanity (Heb. 5:4). Whiles some are called into the prophetic office as Biblically described as 'man of God' or 'seer', all Christians are called to prophesy and that is the prophetic ministry. Paul explains that this ministry is for people's strengthening, encouraging and comfort (1Cor. 14:3). 

Ordained to be a Prophet

Biblically, we may have categories of how people are ordained to be prophets. They include;

1. Those ordained from birth. (Jer. 1:5)

2. Sons of prophets were also ordained to be prophets (Amos 7:14)

3. Those who had their call taking them from their working field (Amos 1:1; 1Kings 19:19)

4. There were those who falsely ordained themselves (Amos 7:17)

As shining light to this dark world, God expects us to be prophets to His creation. If we can minister as prophets of God, we must believe, understand and accepts the divine call to be prophets of God.

Prophetic Ministry

Prophets and prophecies are not infallible and words spoken by prophets or prophecy must be carefully examined and weighed as to their accuracy and agreement with God's Word and His principles. There are many false prophets in our midst. In this era where shrines are built as Temples of Christian worship, we must be vigilant. Paul commands us, "Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil." (1 Thessalonians 5:20-22 NIV). This implies that not all prophecies are true or right. When tested Paul advises that we hold fast to what is good. This is an indication that there will be some prophecies that are not good and should be discarded.

What a true prophet foretells must come to pass (Deut. 18:22). Today we are hearing many false prophecies. False prophets know what people want to hear and know what their beliefs are and by telling them what they want to hear their own personal greed is raised. 

Today, true prophecies are rejected, we call darkness light and light darkness (Isa. 5:20). When Elijah prophesied that there would be no rain for three and a half years it happened just as the prophet said. Because the Israelites rejected him God sent him a widow at Zarephath meanwhile, there were widows in Israel (Lk. 4:26). When Naaman obeyed the prophet, Elisha, he was cleansed from leprosy meanwhile, there were many Israelites with leprosy and none had healing through Elisha. No matter how ridiculous it may seem God fulfills whatever He says to His ordained prophets. 

It is common nowadays as 'prophets' use the name of God to destroy families by attributing failed activities to family members they claim are witches. They use dubious means to milk their unsuspecting followers. People of God, please, test the prophecy according to Scripture and God's principles.

In as much as we ought to be vigilant of false prophets, we must be solely guided by the Holy Spirit to diligently obey true prophecies for God's divine interventions in our daily lives. Be a true prophet of God to this dying generation, Amen.

As an Ordained prophet of God you must;

1. Live a life of integrity. The world today lacks people of integrity in all sectors of our governing system. Are you honest with a strong moral principle to handle issues without compromising? Remember, as an ordained prophet you must be one without blemish.

2. Stands in the gab for the people. Abraham interceded for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah to save them. God has anointed you and me to prophesy to the people in our world His judgment to come (Ezek. 20:30). How much do we care about the number of souls perishing every second of the time? Rise up and stand in the gap.

3. Student of the Word. As an ordained prophet, you speak God's word and therefore you know His word. Jeremiah received God's word in order to prophesy (Jer. 1:9). Paul says, 'Study to show yourself approve of God'. Without being a constant student of the Bible, your prophecy will definitely be stomach-directed.

4. A living example to direct the people to righteousness with love. Paul calls on us to do all that we do as Christians with love. For without love we are nothing. Our shining lives in the Light of Christ should reflect and lead all others onto righteousness. Jesus was rejected by His own people (Lk. 4:24, 28-30) but still had a lovely life with them. Christ is our standard example - In Christ, we shine.

5. Knowledgeable and humble to teach God's Word to the people for their understanding to redirect them to God's path. As prophets, we must speak to the people what God says in simple words to their understanding. We are able to do this with all humility and respect. Jesus was humble and respectful even when they wanted to "throw Him off the cliff" (Lk. 4:29).


You are ordained to be a prophet. Integrity, love, deep in God's word, humility, faith and others will make this ministry a success. Always remember that Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his hometown." When people reject you and your message, you must not give up and compromise. Always hold onto that which is good for your call as God's own prophet, Amen!

Shalom aleichem...

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