Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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A weapon is basically what enables us in a battle to victory. It is only necessary when there is a war. The Christian faith is a call to spiritual warfare. And since it is spiritual warfare, we are reminded that our weapons are also spiritual and not carnal (2Cor. 10:3-4a). One of such weapons at the disposal of the Christian is the singing of songs and hymns of praise and adoration. 

God designed music for a particular purpose and has disclosed His purposes to us in Scripture, both in the Old and New Testaments. Moses’ song in Exodus 15:1-2 says, “Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD… I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously… The Lord is my strength and song, and he has become my salvation.” The purpose of his song—to worship God—is evident. 

LL: Music draws our hearts to the salvation of works of God through Christ Jesus for mankind.

Nehemiah 12:46 states of this song, “There were leaders of the singers, and there were songs of praise and thanksgiving to God.” And the entire book of Psalms was songs written from hearts of worship that poured out emotions before God and praised Him for who He is.

King David made a very profound/unique discovery in this aspect of songs/music in warfare. In Ps. 22:3, David states, "... God inhabits the praise of his people Israel." David had experienced what the Lord God could do as he praised Him. From the history of the people of Israel David had heard what God did. 

David, the king, was both a composer, an instrumentalist as well as a singer. Of the 150 hymns, called Psalms in the Bible, David wrote almost half of them.

As a young man, he displayed the therapeutic/healing power of music in the house of king Saul (1Sam. 16:23).

As a king, he encouraged the formation of a choir under the leadership of Asaph. (1Chron. 7). In addition, he encouraged Asaph to gather together hymns by other composers in Israel. 

David did all that because he personally experienced the power of praise in music as his weapon in battles. 

Later on, again in the life of the nation of Israel, during the reign of King Jehoshaphat, there was war between Israel and the two states of Moab and Edom. The Israelites were completely overwhelmed by the enemy forces. The king cried unto the God of heaven. 

The solution to the problem given to the king was completely unimaginable. He was asked to gather a group of choristers to lead the army into battle (2Chron. 201ff). But king Jehoshaphat believed God and did just that. By the next morning, all the enemy soldiers were dead. (2Chron. 20:20ff). 

In Acts of the Apostles, chap. 16:16ff., Paul and Silas found themselves in prison. Instead of lamenting over their predicament, they decided to organise a festival of praise' in their prison cell. The result was that around midnight, heaven took over and shook the very foundations of the prison yard. From his personal experiences, Paul admonishes all Christians to "sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God", (Col. 3:16b).

In the same vein, James encourages all to "sing songs of praise" in our moments of joy. (James 5:13b).

In Ephesians 5:19, Paul encourages all to "Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord".

Martin Luther said, 'He who sings prays twice.' Music is a prayer weapon of the Christian.

In Colossians, the first chapter expresses the supremacy of Christ, and why we are to worship Him, the firstborn of Creation, the image of the invisible God. Just two chapters later, come these verses addressed to children of God: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him” (Colossians 3:16-17).

The two biblical reasons for the importance of music? Teach (to impart knowledge of or skill) and admonish (to urge, remind, or advise) one another through song. And, of course, give thanks to God and do everything in Jesus’ name for the glory of God alone! What an incredible privilege God has given us through the gift of music, and yet with this privilege, like any other, comes the responsibility to understand its proper use from a biblical worldview: worship and edification. 

John the writer of Revelation demonstrated how heaven is sustained by praise songs/hymns.


Dear Christian friends, testimonies abound as to how God visited Christian gatherings and manifested His presence and power as His people raised their voices in worship. May we all continue to sing songs of adoration and praise to God in all situations and at all places, so that, "Heaven will come down and let glory fill our hearts".

Let us continue to enjoy the power in our hymns so that God will inhabit our praise.

Shalom aleichem...


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