Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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This theme comes with three (3) important words/points, which we have to look at. 

These are: 

a) Repent,

b) Believe and

c) The Good News.

To repent is to come to the realisation that what one is doing is bad/evil, feel sorry about it, forsake it and seek after what is good, which in this sense is to seek God.

2. To believe in something/person is to come to the realisation that there is something optimally good in that thing/person, which in our case is God, and to seek to cling to Him (God).

3. For us now, the Good News is God's optimum message of hope, which is embedded in Christ Jesus, which transforms lives.

It is only God, the Creator, who knows the full condition of man's heart.

In our context here, God sees man as a depraved being. God seeks to draw man to Himself. God does that through: 

a) the preaching of His word; 

b) the testimonies of those who have heard this message of hope who have repented and have turned to God, 

c) through a genuine demonstration of Christian love shown to unbelievers. (I have also read about some Muslims who have come to faith in Christ, through the reading of the Q'uaran). 

When a person comes to the realisation of the hopelessness of a life without God, that person needs to find out what can fill the vacuum in his life. 

The only worthwhile thing/Person that can fill the void is Jesus Christ. As the person opens his life/heart the Spirit of God comes in to help him move on. John 3:16 tells us that "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should have eternal life". 

Romans 5:8, tells us "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us"

Paul teaches that "... brothers and sisters, ... the time is short..." (1Cor. 7:29)  This was his days, therefore, talking looking at it today, I can say, we are in extra time. He ends as "For this world in its present form is passing away." (vs. 31)

It is then for us, as Christ's ambassadors to let the world know it's condition. But the assurance is that God Himself is inviting man to come to Him, (Is. 1:18). God daily yearns to see men coming to Him. God, through the Holy Spirit creates the desire in man so as to seek after Him. God, Himself has provided the provision for this newness of life-Jesus, the Christ who is the very Good News man needs to seek.


Humanity needs to repent, believe in the Gospel. Jesus Himself proclaiming the good news of God. “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:14-15)


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