Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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"Therefore wait for me,” declares the Lord , “for the day I will stand up to testify... " Zephaniah 3:8 NIV

One area I notice a lot of impatience and anger evident is while driving, we are in such a hurry. We find traffic lights as nuisance and waste of time and if someone pauses a second or two when it turns green, the horns will be honking with much noise. 

In this ever moving and evolving culture, waiting is becoming a thing of the past. See, technology has put us on the cutting edge of optimization. The world is a global village. Interviews can be conducted online, we can have food delivered right to our doorsteps by using an app. In fact, there is an app for almost everything we need today. 

In as much I'm not against technology optimization that make people's lives easier. I'm talking about our inability to wait on anything breeding impatience, frustrations, and anxiety. 
We're expected to wait in line at the supermarket, bus stop, in traffic, or wait on a phone call, text message, or wait on our kids/wife, wait for the shower, or wait for our dinner etc. It doesn't matter our age, color, height, or weight we are all a people in waiting. 

Meanwhile, how we view the waiting process will eventually determine how long it is. Waiting can be our friend, or otherwise. It can be positive or negative. It can be joyous, or full of sorrow. Ultimately, the choice is yours. 

Patience is a virtue that Christ modeled for us. there is no one more patient than Him, and we see that trait flowing throughout the pages of His Word. [Rom 2:4] I am sure Christ would love to return now and swoop His people up in his big burly arms and shower us with all His love. But this same love keeps Him from coming just yet because there are many of His children He is still waiting on to come home. [2Pet. 2:15]

While we may not like to wait, let's learn that patience is a fruit of the Spirit and should be exercised in the life of every believer. [Col 1:11]

Precious one, how about you? Do you like to wait? What is your patience level? Which area of your life are you struggling with being patient? Ever so often we should stop and take stock of our lives because sometimes we can go off the track and don't even recognize it. We're are all a people in waiting. 

Pray for enduring patience even in this ever moving global world we find ourselves. Amen. 

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