Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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"...I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps." Jeremiah 10:23

Growing up in my family, no child had a choice of what you'll eat or won't eat. Everyone ate what Mama Ruth, our mother, prepares and serves to us. One day I visited a friend and he was dangling his head and crying that he was not feeling for the food the mother had served him. I was so surprised for I knew that it is not for children to direct what to eat but the choice food of the father or the available food stuffs in the house.

Precious one, no matter how much natural ability (talent, skills...) we may have, we must understand that the Lord does not want us to direct our own steps. He wants us to constantly turn away from our God-given human ability, status and possessions, trusting completely in Him to guide us at all times. We lean not on our own understanding but trust in the Lord with all our heart.

If we are absolutely certain that the Lord lives within us as Christians, we can always trust Him to direct and establish our steps. The Lord wants us to delight in Him at all times because we are certain that He will guide every step we take.
Let us feed on what He provides for us than craving for what is not for us.

"The steps of a man (Christian) are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way." Psalm 37:23

Prayer; Dear Lord Almighty, I submit myself to you to take delight in my was. Please direct my steps and bring me safely through every problem I may find myself. Let me feed on what you have provided for me, in Jesus name, Amen.

Shalom aleichem...

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