Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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"... you abide in Him." [live in Him, rooted in Him, never depart from Him, stay with Him] 1 John 2:27

The Akans has a proverb, "the chicken which stays with the mother eats the thigh of grasshopper."
This passage of Scripture instructs us to abide in the Lord at all times, that is never departing from Him not even in a minute second. Every aspect of our lives should revolve around God's indwelling presence. You'll bear with me that a chicken feels safe from the hawk only when it stays with the mother. Our closeness with Christ Jesus brings safety to us as God's children.

We should live in Him. We should never depart from Him. The Lord is with us at all times. We should always be conscious of this wonderful promise.

God said to Joshua, "No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life...I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you." Joshua 1:5

The Lord wants us to be knit to Him. When we are "knit" to someone, we are as close to the person as we can possibly be. The Lord wants every aspect of our lives to be deeply and solidly rooted in Him. We can be absolutely assured at all times that our precious Lord is with us and that He will not fail us or forsake us.

Pray with deeply rooted faith that your precious Lord is always with you and He will not fail you.

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