Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol (the nether world, the place of the dead) where you are going." Ecclesiastes 9:10

The command to live out as a Disciple includes the command to shine wherever you are and in whatever you do. God calls on you to make Him better known wherever He sends you to work. Your job is a divine calling to serve humanity and divinity.

Child of God, are you shining? Whatever God lays in your hands must be done with full commitment. Do you know that your business or job or occupation is God's work?
Note this, God's work is not exclusive being a full time Minister of the Gospel like myself, but whatever God places in your hands to do (teaching, nursing, driving, cleaning, policing, judging, president etc).

Honestly, on a scale of 1 to 10, how committed are you to your job? (think of this)

This is the appropriate time while we live, for Solomon says, there's no work in the land of the dead.

True disciples appreciate and glorify God with their attitude towards work.


Shalom aleichem... 🤝🏽

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  1. Great piece. We are indeed the light of the world.. Thank you Papa. God bless you.

    1. God bless you too my dear. May you receive the Divine empowerment to keep shining all the time. Have blessed day.

  2. It is important for us to know that, we don't work because of money but for fulfillment of God’s plans and purpose for us. Deligent work bring great inner peace.
    May your dedicated service to God and humanity grant you Growth, Grace, Gain & Glory

  3. God bless you abundantly Papa. We really need to work with our all at all times.

  4. Thanks for the revelation Papa. Most of the times, we work thinking about our salaries at the end of the month. God bless you

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