Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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Is there anything of such? God's approved tribe.

"Here, there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all." Colossians 3:11

He is Ewe and you are Asante, and so what? Is an Akuapem created differently from a Dagomba? He is white and you are black, and so what? Is an European and an African not conceived and born the same way? He is poor and you are rich, and so what? Will God judge an African differently from an American? Will one tribe or race live forever? Don't we all have blood running through our veins? Where from this stigmatisation in the body of Christ?

My take on Prophet Badu Kobi's message that women from certain tribes are unwise and unmarriageable and admonished prospective husbands to avoid marrying from those tribes in Ghana.

Look around you, it is only the Christian Church that brings together all manner of persons on the same platform. Male and female sit together, CEO and labourer sit on the same pew, Ga and Notherner pray together and so on. In fact, there is no discrimination let alone stigmatisation in the Body of Christ.

We may be different in many ways but such differences are for variety, not for discrimination. Our differences come together to give God the glory of His creation and perfect layout for us.
My brother, my sister, let us go beyond societal, ethnic and racial boundaries and begin to see things through the eyes of God.
The apostle Paul drew the attention of the Colossae church to the divine fact that God is God of all. In Christ there's no Jew or gentile. In the same way, there's no Asante, Fante, Ga, Ewe etc. in Christ Jesus. "If anyone is in Christ, he's a new Creation..." Christ brings newness and regenerate us in His perfect will. Therefore, we are all one as a church. If we drink the same cup and eat of His body why then should the Spirit of God preach stigma in church?

I've come accross some people who at the point of marriage are restricted not to bring some person from some tribes, yet these persons profess to be Christians. Beloved, if you do not believe in what Christ has done for us don't disturbed the body of Christ.

If someone asserts that marrying from one tribe or the other brings problems into that marriage. My question is, are those who are not married from that very tribe enjoying a problem free marriages? Certainly NO!

Let me leave you with these paraphrased words from Paul the apostle;
Following your assertions, I have no praise for you, for your meetings and sermons do more harm than good. In the first place, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it because of your viral message and reactions to it. No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which tribe or family have God’s approval. Stop it and build the body of Christ with the varieties God has created.

Shalom aleichem.

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  1. Well Said Papa. You are indeed a teacher.
    "We may be different in many ways but such differences are for variety, not for discrimination. Our differences come together to give God the glory of His creation and perfect layout for us". I love this. God bless you Rev.

    1. Very much needful comment and I'm grateful. God bless you too.

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