Courageous Disciple

Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu
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"MonyΙ› den na monyΙ› nnam, monnsuro na mommma wΙ”n ho nnyΙ› mo hu, Ι›firi sΙ› AWURADE wo NyankopΙ”n no, Ι”no na Ι”ne wo nam; Ι”rempa wo na Ι”rennya wo." Duet. 31:6

πŸ€”Taking a firm decision and a 🚢🏽‍♀bold step in spite of the threatening fear 😱 that grips you is courage.

Taking courage is like stepping πŸ§—πŸΎ‍♂on a springboard; it can take you far in life. But is not an easy step at all.

What has shot you in the foot? πŸ˜”What is making you static?😩

πŸ˜‡God speaks to us this morning to be courageous. Don't be afraid, πŸ˜ƒwake up andπŸƒπŸ½‍♀ move on.

True disciples muster courage no matter the threatening fear.

✋🏽 Christ is with us, no shaking.

🀝🏽 Shalom aleichem
® Rev. E. Ahenkan Owusu

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